Signs You May Be Losing Your Vision

Losing your vision can be scary. However, there are times when losing vision becomes inevitable due to certain circumstances. The most common reason for people losing their vision is hereditary diseases or aging. With the rise in the use of devices such as tablets and cell phones vision loss is even more prevalent. If you have been wondering if you're suffering from vision loss, here are some clues to help figure it out.

Double and Blurry Vision 

An unmistakable sign that you are losing your vision is when you start seeing double. If you notice that objects and people have started twinning when you start looking at them, then something is going wrong with your vision and you need to get an eye test. Double vision may also be accompanied by blurry vision.

A Sudden Reduction In Vision 

Perhaps the biggest sign that there is a problem with your vision is when you suddenly notice that you can't see things that would normally be easy for you to see. You may notice that you cannot read certain texts as you could before. It can happen very suddenly.

The best thing you can do is to take action immediately. Get yourself to an eye doctor and get your eyes tested. Maybe you need glasses or other treatment to slow down the deterioration of your vision.

Light Sensitivity 

When you start losing your vision you might find that you become very sensitive to light. Driving at night can become problematic in a case like this. You may notice that headlights become unbearable. Needless to say, this can become a dangerous situation.

You may find that you have become more sensitive to the glare from your phone, television, or laptop. Light sensitivity may sometimes be accompanied by pain in the eyes. These are all indications of vision problems that are brewing. You may be able to slow the progression of any degenerative conditions by visiting your doctor immediately.

Taking care of your vision is something that you cannot afford to take for granted. Your vision is a critical component of your enjoyment in life. You need your vision to do just about everything. Once you notice that something is off about your vision it's a good idea to set aside some time to visit your eye doctor for an examination. Many vision problems will progress a lot more slowly with treatment. This is why early detection is so important.

For more information on vision loss, contact a doctor near you.
